OK, drum roll please.... this is my
Visual Dictionary of Fab NZ Edubloggers....
Hopefully you will already know them all and read them regularly like I do, if not, stick them in your aggregator NOW!
Almost of these fantastic educators I had the pleasure of meeting f2f @ ULearn.
(Oh and a warning..... yes I am in lots of photos with the blogger, so you'll be seeing A LOT of me - sorry) Plus, I'm going in alphabetical order by first name just to be different ;)
Click on their name or on the photo to go on a tiki-tour.
Allanah King, Nelson
Chrissy Hellyer, Napier

David Kinane, Auckland
Derek Wenmoth, Christchurch
Image Credit: Uploaded on October 3, 2007 by Edublogger

Fiona Grant, Central North Shore

Greg Carroll, Dunedin (we missed you @ ULearn!)
Jane Nicholls, Dunedin
Jamin Lietze (class blog), Tauranga (I will send you a chocolate fish when you finally start your edublog Jamin!)
Image Credit: Uploaded on October 5, 2007 by Edublogger

Jedd Bartlett, Christchurch
Lynne Crowe, Te Awamutu (we all missed meeting you f2f Lynne!)
Marnie Thomas, Auckland

Nigel Frater, Wellington
Image Credit: Uploaded on October 5, 2007 by Edublogger

Nikki Gemmell, Auckland (great to see you back blogging, great to meet you properly)
Simon Evans, Hastings

Suzie Vesper, Wellington
NZ Edubloggers @ The Bloggers' Cafe
(thanks Jane for all your organisation)
(thanks Jane for all your organisation)