Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Our first Podcast for the year!

Well it is another time for "firsts" in my classroom with ICT this year!

One of the reasons for this is that we have had a 3rd year student teacher teaching in our classroom for the past 5 weeks. Another reason is simply that the students haven't quite been ready for it all!

Now we are all settled into our routines within the classroom, I am back teaching full time and it is nearing the end of the term. We have walked hard for the last 9 weeks to settle into our new classroom, get to know each other, as well improve our writing, reading, maths and oral language skills (including listening!).... and it shows!

Today we talked about the word podcast coming from the words "ipod" and "broadcast" - we talked about ipods being to do with music and broadcasting being to do with the news and radio - so basically talking. We listened to some taped stories and thought about how we were going to speak when our voices were recorded.

We decided our voices had to:
  • sound interesting
  • sound exciting
  • be loud
  • be not too fast
  • be expressive!
Last week we wrote some brilliant stories about our favourite places at Nelson Central School. Today most of the class brought our stories to life by recording us reading them using "Garageband". We then took digital photos of our buddies around the school in the favourite places that we wrote about! We added these to our recordings on Garageband.

Click on the badge below to listen to our AMAZING PODCAST (vodcast)... great for a first attempt for the year I think. Will have to think about better recording equipment for next term, we used my macbook and its internal mic. At some points the class was quite noisy as they were involved in group work and individual students were recording.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel

    keep up the good stuff really nice to see someone use web 2.0 in primary education . Youve been blogged at http://andysblackhole.blogspot.com/2007/04/great-things-happening-in-new-zeland-hi.html


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